Don't Go Naked This Summer!

By Linda Mupemo Winter always serves notice that summer is on the way. When it gets cold, when everything around you is freezing, you are assured that it is about to get hot, it is about to get good! As summer rears its head, there is a hype in the fashion world about what's hot and what's not, what's trendy, stylish and whatever else. It is easy to get so immensed in all the trends that you forget you have to keep your temple covered. Yes, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and how much you value it shows in the way you dress, regardless of the season. Child of God, do not conform to the worldly fashion trends, do not let the world make you blur the line between fashion and indecency. You can be stylish and modest at the same time. You can be fully dressed and still look elegant. You do not have to be naked in order to make a fashion statement. James and Constance Phiri showing us how to be stylish and modest at the beach. Baecation anyon...