Stains and Bleaches

By Linda Mupemo Picture courtesy of Google Images Is it too late to say happy new year? It has only been twenty days hey, we still have 300 plus days to go. So, the calendar has finally caught up with my life. I literally started my 2019 way before 1st January. I remember how I could say, "I need to do this and that this year." I was referring to some of my "2019" plans (which could only be fully implemented this year, whether I liked it or yes). Patience, my young sister, always reminded me, "Mother, we are still in 2018" lol I have an aunt who is a seasoned Home Economics Teacher. One of the many lessons she has taught me is to 'treat the stain immediately it occurs.' You don't want to complicate your cleaning or washing by putting yourself through stubborn stain removal procedures. I am learning to apply that in every area of my life. Who says you have to wait for 31st December to switch things up? The momen...