African - Chinese Youths Confer

 By Linda Mupemo, Jinhua - China

     The late President Kenneth Kaunda was       celebrated at the China-Africa Youth Festival

Zambia's founding President Kenneth Kaunda has continued to receive accolades the world over three years after his demise. 

The late Dr. Kaunda was a renowned Pan Africanist who immensely contributed to the liberation struggle of Zambia and  many other countries on the continent especially those in Southern Africa.

As a  patriarch of African independence, Dr. Kaunda provided solidarity and refuge for liberation movements which later saw countries such as Angola, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe win the war of independence against their colonial masters.

During his reign, Dr. Kaunda who was also fondly known as KK engaged in strategic international partnerships aimed at promoting social economic transformation in Zambia.

Good Governance Africa Natural Resource Researcher Vincent Obisie - Orlu says Dr. Kaunda advocated for the admission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations (UN) in May,1965. 

"Zambia was later assisted by the Chinese Government with a then record US$ 500 million for the construction of a railway linking Zambia, a landlocked country with neighbouring Tanzania," Mr. Obisie - Orlu states.

Noteworthy is that the construction of the Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) enabled the country safeguard its international trade routes amid the hostile apartheid in South Africa.

Fifty-nine years after the China - Zambia cooperation was initiated by Dr. Kaunda and  the People's Republic of China Founder Chairman Mao Zedong,  both countries continue to mutually benefit from each other and hail the forefathers for forging the partnership.

 During the closing ceremony of the China - Africa Youth Festival held recently in China's Jinhua city, Zhejiang Normal University Institute of African Studies Director Liu Hongwu shone the spotlight on Dr. Kaunda's efforts in championing sustainable development in the global south.
       The festival attracted 64 young delegates

The 8th China - Africa Youth Festival which was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here attracted 64 young delegates drawn from 52 African member countries of the Forum on China - Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

Mr. Liu applauded the late Dr. Kaunda for his efforts in promoting joint development between Zambia and China.

This recognition on the  global stage comes shortly after Zambia posthumously celebrated Dr. Kaunda's 100th birthday in April 2024.

Mr. Liu recalls that Chairman Mao elucidated the concept of Third World Countries in his conversation with Dr. Kaunda when he visited Lusaka in February, 1974.

Chairman Mao stated that the First World comprises developed superpower countries like the United States of America and the Soviet Union, the Second World  comprises Japan, Europe, Australia and Canada while the Third World consists of underdeveloped countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America.

" In his famous conversation with Dr. Kaunda, Chairman Mao said 'The third world has a large population, the third world should unite," says Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu underscored the need for countries in the global south to explore their own developmental paths void of external influence.

He, however , notes that concerted efforts among African countries and China would enable the realisation of the Chinese and African dreams.

The eight-day China - Africa Youth Festival provided an avenue for Chinese and African youths to deepen friendships,  share experiences in business development, participate in China - Africa youth dialogues as well as exchange knowledge and culture.

The young delegates were drawn from various spheres of influence ranging from the media, political arena , Civil Society Organisations (CSO) to international organisations such as the African Union.

Activities  conducted during the youth festival included a visit to Leap Motor New Energy Vehicle Town to appreciate the manufacturing of environmentally friendly electric vehicles.

The young delegates also toured the African Museum and China - Africa Exchanges Museum at Zhejiang Normal University where pictures of the legendary KK  dominated  among other African icons.

The young leaders also toured the Yiwu International Trade City where they had first-hand experience of smart e-commerce using live broadcasts.

As the African and Chinese youths exchanged the baton of friendship,  participants are optimistic that the bond will continue to blossom into a fruitful international collaboration.

For Zambian Delegate Simon Ngwira, such international platforms are a vehicle of driving positive social change in the global south.

Mr. Ngwira, who is also United Party for National Development (UPND) National Youth Secretary, stated that Zambia and Africa as a whole can learn from China and adopt principles of resilience, hard work and discipline to enhance social economic development.

" China was once an underdeveloped country but through the implementation of radical economic reforms by its Government, the country succeeded in lifting over 800 million people out of extreme poverty by 2020. African countries can emulate Chinese authorities and eradicate poverty on the continent," he says.

Jinhua News Media Centre Journalist Ding Siwen notes that the energetic youth power provided a window of opportunity to deepen the China - Africa Cooperation.

Ms. Siwen says the unlimited force of Africa's young population can be harnessed to accelerate social economic development in the global south.

Africa - Asia Youth Foundation Chief Operations Officer Joseph Malekela notes that the friendship between China and Africa has reached greater heights characterised by extensive trade, investment, political dialogue and cultural exchanges.

Mr. Malekela whose organisation is headquartered in Tanzania says China has become Africa's largest trading partner with bilateral trade reaching unprecedented levels  recording over US$ 200 billion as of 2023.

             Participants found time for fun

"Chinese companies are involved in a wide range of sectors from manufacturing,  construction, telecommunications to  agriculture thereby driving economic growth and creating jobs in Africa," he says.

Mr. Malekela disclosed that his organisation has made strides in promoting collaboration between Asia and African youths on education, cultural exchange, social entrepreneurship and innovation in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) by sharing best practices that can ensure the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) between the two regions.

Meanwhile, Botswana based Journalist Tebogo Mokoto sent a resounding message that African youths are ready for a developmental revolution as he advocated for a win-win situation in international partnerships between African countries and other economic superpowers.

In his sharp speech which oozed high level bravery, Mr. Mokoto who is also Gabz FM News Reporter, implored African leaders to negotiate for sustainable developmental deals from a position of equality and strength.

"African leaders should unite and speak with one voice on the global stage. We have natural resources, we are capable of developing our continent. Our leaders need to start speaking from a place of power," he said.

Suffice to say youths have potential to greatly contribute to development in Africa and China hence authorities are encouraged to adopt youth-inclusive leadership policies with a view to creating opportunities to amplify voices of young leaders.

Further, it is anticipated that youths will leverage the China - Africa Cooperation to attain personal development and contribute to the development of their countries.

This feature article was published in Zambia Daily Mail newspaper on 15th June, 2024. 


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