
Showing posts from March, 2018

Diary of a Rural Journalist

By Linda Mupemo Hey people! It has been forever, group hug! Group hug!! Oh well, I do not really know who is reading this. But hey, with an audience of one or a thousand, the show must go on.  The thing is I am already in Easter mode. You know the bringing dead things back to life type of mode? Yup! So I thought of channeling some of this energy towards breathing life into the skeletons of my blog. Breathe oh blog! Breathe!!!  I never even got to share my hair experience with castor oil hey, but  I am back now. And I will write all about that soon enough. You know how we make plans especially when you are in your final year of study? Like I just want to ace these examinations, get my degree, find a stable source of income and settle in one of the urban areas. Then bammmm! Reality hits you.  Let me just say God has a sense of humour. He has this funny but fulfilling way of unleashing me into my destiny.  So, I am out here in one of the rural parts of Z