
Showing posts from November, 2022

REA Gets Kudos for Solar Energy Project

 By Linda Mupemo Inverters at Mpanta solar power plant Luapula Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Emmanuel Munsanje has commended the Rural Electrification Authority (REA) for incorporating renewable energy sources into its electrification projects.    Mr. Munsanje cited the 60 Kilowatt Mpanta Solar Mini Grid project in Samfya District which is providing electricity to the community as a game changer in the energy sector.    ZANIS reports that Mr. Munsanje said green and clean energy projects are welcome especially as the world strives to reduce carbon emissions.      Mr. Munsanje has since called on government to allocate more funds to renewable energy projects in a bid to increase access to electricity in an environmentally friendly manner.      "The Mpanta solar plant is a progressive project. We need more of such sustainable developmental projects, projects which neither harm the environment nor contribute to global warming," he said.    Sp