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By Linda Mupemo
Knowing that Jesus Christ loves me gives me so much joy and keeps me going. He suffered temporal punishment so that I will not have to suffer eternal punishment.
He faced the highest degree of the rage of man so that I will not have to face the rage of God. 
He loves me so much that he did not want to live without me.
As imperfect as I am, Jesus still died for me. Even when I foolishly betray his love for me by doing what does not please him, he does not cast me off. Instead, he patiently waits for me to realise that without him I am nothing , but with him I am everything.
Oh what a love!
A love so strong, a love so real, a love worth dying a painful and shameful death for. The death that takes away all my sins, puts me right with God and makes me a citizen of heaven.
“He will appear a second time, not to deal with sins but to save those who are waiting for him,” says the Bible in Hebrews 9 v 28. 
How I long to see your magnificent face LORD!!!


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