Brand New You

A woman celebrates sunrise- picture by google images

By Linda Mupemo
So I am a fan of this incredible ‘ When Women Write’ Facebook page. It has over five thousand followers. The administrator, Sharmaine had asked us to write New Year messages meant to uplift and encourage the down cast. She said only the top ten messages would be shared on the page.

 Well, I gave it a shot. And the following was the feedback I got; Linda, I loved this powerful piece! It was selected to be shared as New Year good word. Please post it on the timeline as soon as you get my message. I want to hear more from you in the comments, you have something to say, there is a book in you! 

I was so happy especially that I got that message on 1st January, 2014. What a great way to start a year. Below is the message I wrote, I titled it ‘Brand New You’.

There are times when heaven does not feel so close, you keep knocking but all the doors seem closed, your cries seemingly more silent than the footsteps of an ant; you are beat down trying to get back up but you feel like you just can’t.

 There are situations that can prick you and send pain to every inch of your life, some can break you, crush you and shatter you to the core. But the good news is; no matter how much life has crushed you, you can always gather the crushed pieces of your life; merge them together and press the move on button. It is not easy, but it is worth it and possible when you give God the front row in your life. Sometimes we face moments so dark that the sun seems dimmer than a spark between two rubbing needles, but even dark clouds flow and become white, so why should you roll up your life in a dark corner? 

Life is too short to spend it gnashing your teeth over a missed business opportunity, lost job, failed interview, broken promise or a failed relationship. Life has no recycle bin, every situation is important and your situation is not an exception to this rule. You must learn from the situation. Learn from your past mistakes, learn from the wrong applied formulas and develop better ones.

 Just like a snake shades off its skin to allow growth and remove parasites, you too have to shade off the old you to allow the brand new you to emerge. Shade off all those things that no longer add value to your life. Cleanse yourself of all unwanted substances, sieve all clutter out of your system. Delete those contacts and pictures from your devices, cut off meaningless friendships, stop reciting the unfulfilled promises in your head, stop re-reading your appointment letter for that lost job and create an enabling environment for the brand new, bigger and stronger you. 

Give your life a face-lift. Create new contacts, make new friends, make new partners, do some studies, start a new business, allow your heart to love again,  whatever you do, do something NEW! The fact that you are alive means there are plenty of opportunities for you out there, just cast your net wider.

 Remember when you are weak, then you are strong (2nd Corinthians 12v10). So when you are crushed, then you are strong because the great potter is always there to mould you into someone more appealing, someone new. When you lose a job, then there is a better one for you out there, when you are heartbroken, then you will meet a better lover. The God who resides in you specializes in using every situation to your advantage. So take a deep breath, relax, God is in control. Get up and let the new you shine out before all men to display the glory of God.


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