Edited Christianity; A Tale of Dead Righteousness

By Linda Mupemo

Welcome to the 21st century where the core values of yesterday are the trash principles of today.
Christianity has not emerged a cherry on the cake in this edited generation!
Each time I permit my medulla to process a thought about who a Christian is, their life and their call,
A rather formidable feeling grips my soul so I endorse two new words: Sundians and Saturdians because people now approach Christianity like an outfit for a date, only to impress and adore what we see.
The rest of the days are party days, Saturdays and Sundays are the only holy days.
Camouflaged in hypocritical personalities on service days, yet naughty all way
Indulging in illicit activities with the notion of repenting later on church days, absurd!
I call them Sundians and Saturdians, yeah and the truth must be heard!
Pretending is not compulsory like the vowels are present in every word
So I wonder if everybody is as holy as they portray themselves on social networks, an attitude better seen than read.
I see holier than though updates when I peer my eyes through awesome gadgets
They post prayers that are so spiritually inspiring. Their actions? Another thing you won’t think of admiring.
Spending time with God in prayer has been reduced to simply commenting an ‘Amen’ on a prayer posted by somebody else on Facebook, how prayerful!
Oh men of God, I only fear for the multitude of lost souls that you lead.
The center of your sermons is yet another pierce to my inner. You frequently quote Jeremiah 29v11 saying God has good plans for your flock. Plans of prosperity, I know!
But what about Mark 8v36 that says “how profitable is it for man to gain the whole world but lose his own soul?”
Prosperity is pointless without salvation. It’s like waiting for a plain at a bus station.
You’re busy preaching success to people who don’t know what to access to address their sadness.
“I see you driving a Hammer, I see you having multimillion dollar business deals, I see you living in a glamorous mansion!” you declare.
What about salvation? What about them getting saved? Can someone prosper without a way to Christ being paved?
You make efforts in trying to teach your flock
But they think they know all and when in the service are always looking at the clock. Hoping you get done soon so they knock off. They feel they already know the ‘word’
Sadly they don’t and instead equip their tongues to become the most efficient tools of gossip.
Slander very much suits to be their middle name for they back bite, forgetting their tongues should help them worship.
Edited Christians!
They consider classes where one identifies himself with a certain class. Probably with whom they think has it all. The tall, light, good looking and rich are the favourite classes.
I detest this, it’s a shame.
The clergy are now considered superior to God; they have this formidable element of fame.
God uses the clergy; the clergy don’t use their own powers.
Why idolize a servant who is human just like you and sins just like you?
Oh Jesus Christ, come soon!
Bring with you healing rain before these Christianity editors spike off all the core values of Christianity, lest your death on the cross be in vain!!!


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