My Journey to Healthy Hair

Long, thick and shiny hair is the desire of almost every woman. Note the word 'almost' because some people  like it short, kinky, while others, well, go locks. Whatever hair length and type one has, the important thing is keeping it healthy.

My sisters and I have had long hair since forever. We are fortunate enough  my mother's long-black-hair genes rubbed on us the right way. 
My sister, Pamela Mupemo, on the left and I on the right
The fact that I've always had long hair made me shun caring for it. I have never applied  my scalp with any necessary hair nutrients. I always thought to myself, "my hair is already long so why bother myself with buying hair products ?" All I have ever done is plait it (weaves and braids), un plait, blow it (at whatever degree of heat), let it breathe for a week or two, plait again and the circle continues. Through it all, the only product my scalp has ever come in contact with is vaseline, Baby Care to be specific. I know, I know!  

Thanks to my friend Zenzo Hang'umba and Fatima of Zed Hair Request, I've come to learn that there is more to hair than it's length. All hair types need some tender loving care. Be it long, short ,locked, relaxed or natural, nutrients are needed to keep the hair thick, shiny and healthy. There are a variety of products one can use to achieve this such as castor oil, hair mayonaise, hair conditioner, live-in conditioner, moisturiser. The key is nourishing the roots and keeping the strands healthy. Just like human bodies require a  balanced diet to stay healthy, so does hair need nutrients.

I recently noticed that my beloved long hair had become too soft and was breaking off when combing, a situation I have come to learn was caused by its exposure to intense  heat when blowing.

I lose this much of my hair when combing

Therefore, I have embarked on a new hair journey on which health comes before length. For the first time in my life, I have started applying oils on my scalp and other products earlier alluded to.I do not just want to have long hair. I want to strengthen the roots of my hair, I want to thicken it. I want it to be healthy.

To kick off my journey to healthy hair, I am taking part in a #Hairrequestcastoroilchallenge organised by Fatima. In this challenge I am expected to use castor oil at least twice a week (for the period of three months), monitor and share the results. Excited much!!!


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