Money or the Box ; Taking Career Risks

 By Linda  Mupemo

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"A ship is always safe at the shore. But that is not what it is built for,” once said Albert Einstein.
This saying signifies that there is something beautiful on the other side of the shore; ones reward is in sailing rather than settling for safe.
Most career men and women, especially the younger ones, are accustomed to being on the safe side of the working industry. 

I know people who are doing jobs they are not happy with but have stuck with them because it is the ‘safest’ thing to do.

“At least when I study Nursing or Teaching, I am assured of being employed by the Government.” 

“So long I have a permanent job. So long the job pays my bills, I am ok with it.”

Right? Wrong!

You do not have to choose a career or stay on a job solely based on its ability to pay your bills. Inasmuch as financial stability and job security are essential in ones working life, that should not come at the expense of maximising your full potential.

Some jobs will cuff you and hinder you from manifesting God's glory within you, while others are the boxes housing your promise. 

Until you realise that money is not everything, you will always be confined in environments that will never give you an opportunity to fully display what God deposited down on your inside.

As the popular saying goes; when you choose a career you love, money is but a bonus. Do not trade your aspirations and passions for a pay cheque. Do not be afraid of sailing. Do not be afraid of change. Sometimes, your blessing is in going and not in being at the safe shore. Be brave enough to get out of your comfort zone and have the courage to walk on water.

I do not know what your box is, but I can assure you; there are rewards in taking risks. Do you want to change your career or do you want to resign from your job all together and start that business you have always dreamed of? I say go for it!
Nevertheless, let me hasten to say every risk has its own consequences.
Before you embark on any major career change, do calculate the risks. Research widely. Consult from the people in your field. Seek counseling from those you trust.
Above all else, pray for direction from the almighty God. Happy sailing!


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