The Chicken That Was Not Ready to Die

By Linda Mupemo

Whenever I share my rural life experiences with my sisters, they laugh at me and say, "Soooo Linda!"
It's either rural life is funny or rural life is funny. Anyway, I get to learn something new from whatever I go through.

So yesterday, when I bought a village chicken, I asked the seller not to untie it. I did not have the energy to go through the process of chasing after it, I can't even remember the last time I did that! 

I left the chicken that way and dashed to the market to get something. I returned after a few minutes and I could not believe what my eyes saw. Lo and behold, the chicken was at the road side. As if it was welcoming me. It had broken free from the string that held it bound! 

 I thought the string was tight enough to keep the chicken bound until I was ready to slaughter it. I thought it knew somehow that it was in its dying minutes hence would not even try to break free. I thought it had no fight in it. 

The chicken was busy acquainting itself with my surrounding. How I managed to slaughter it is a story for another day. Girl had to eat! But that is not the point.

See....some times, the only thing standing between you and your freedom is yourself. The script just got flipped! There is no hero coming for you. You are your own hero baby! In the words of Barack Obama, "You are the one you have been waiting for."

 That string is not tight enough. Those chains aren't strong enough to keep you in bondage. The enemy does not even have the energy to chase after you. You have the power within you to break free. You are strong enough to break those chains off you. The enemy won't have you for dinner boo!!!!


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