Introducing the Linda Mupemo Award for the Best Writer

By Linda Mupemo

One author once said, "To ask me how I feel about writing is like to ask me how I feel about breathing." 

This saying pretty much explains how I feel about writing and everything it represents. I started writing when I was in my mother's womb. Scratch that!  That is a talent fallacy. Nobody remembers anything they did when they were an embryo. At least none of those who slept in my mother's womb. 

I have been passionate about writing for some time now. I am yet to be a published author, but I know it will happen in the fullness of time. Won't He do it?!!!

Before I gave the trophy to the recipient 

So yesterday,12th October, 2018, I launched the Linda Mupemo award for the best writer at St. Therese Girls' Secondary School- Kasama. It is official, we are in the future mwe bantu! I believe I do not have to die for people to start giving awards in my name, hello! The initiative is aimed at promoting good writing skills among pupils at my former school. There are so many things I love about that school, notable among them is that it was there  that I discovered my writing gift. 

For all the discipline the Sisters of the Child Jesus instilled in me, for all the knowledge the teachers imparted in me, I am forever grateful to that community.  And so, this is also one way of me giving back to my former school. Therefore, the award package is in two parts, in terms of money that is. The deserving pupil gets part of it while a certain percentage goes to the school administration. I am not talking about hundreds of millions here, just a little something guys 😉

It was an honour to stand before some of my former teachers, the Sisters, the parents and  pupils to present the inaugural LM award for the best writer to Taona Phiri, a grade twelve pupil. The smiles, the cheers, the love....this script has God's name written all over it 😭😭😭😭 He is super faithful! 

I am so thankful to everyone who made this possible. To my family, friends and Miracles By Fire wo/men of God, your love, support and prayers mean everything to me.  

           Taona Phiri, recipient of the LM award, and I pose for a photo

I am not sharing all this to show off. This is not even my highlight reel! This is me stepping out on faith. This is me serving my two fish and five loaves of bread to my LORD. This is me handing over my empty hands to Jesus Christ. I want to encourage someone out there that today is the right time for you to pursue your purpose. Do not wait for the fog to clear. Do not wait for your hair to turn grey. Do not wait for your teeth to start falling off. 

Start now.
Empty handed.
No money in your bank account.
No platform.

Listen! When you take that baby step, the God who gave you the idea, the God who showed you the vision will cause doors to slide open before you and usher you into rooms where what He placed in you will manifest, all for His glory.


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