Four Reasons You Should Invest in a Professional Hair Stylist

By Linda Mupemo

The advent of the natural hair movement has led to the emergence of professional natural hair salons on the Zambian market. Although these businesses may be deemed relatively pricey, the quality of services they provide is worth every ngwee they charge. So, if you are a beauty fanatic, frequent salons or simply love healthy, nicely styled hair, you should consider investing in a professional hair care provider.

As earlier alluded to, there are a number of such entities on the market. Some of the professional hair salons I have been to and unreservedly recommend are Her Roots and Crown Your Mane Salons . Note – You are free to identify a professional hair salon of your choice which suits your hair needs.

A Hair Stylist washes her client's hair - Picture by Getty Images

See, knowing how to style hair is one thing and knowing how to skillfully care for hair is another thing. This is one of the many reasons you should not entrust your hair with just anyone masquerading as a hair stylist. 

Having experienced the good, the bad and the ugly regarding hair services, I came up with four reasons you should ditch that salon whose stylists have zero knowledge on hair care and invest in a professional hair salon; 

1. They know how to handle different types of hair 

Be it natural hair, relaxed, texlaxed, short, long or locked, professional hair care providers deliver various hair services. They know the best products for each hair type and handle it gently. When the stylist at Her Roots first touched my hair, she said “This is 4C hair.”

She thoroughly moisturised it with a sweet smelling hair product before she started combing it. I was impressed. In ‘non-professional salons’, all I was ever told was “Mama, your hair is too thick and long. We will charge you an extra amount.”

 2. They listen to your hair

You read that right, hair does speak. In your quest to either maintain healthy hair or offer healthy hair services, fluency in Hair is a must. At every given point, the appearance and texture of your hair will communicate a particular message.  For instance, split ends are a tell-tale sign that your hair needs a trim. Abnormal shedding or breakage are ways of hair crying out for healthy and protective hair practices. A professional hair stylist is attentive enough to decode the message and provide the much needed services. 

Additionally, you as a client understand your hair better and might have knowledge on your hair needs. A professional hair care provider is sensitive enough to get it from the horse’s mouth to ensure they provide maximum services. Non-professional hair stylists do not have time for all that. And when you try to guide them, they arrogantly claim they ‘know what they are doing.’

A Hair stylist cutting a woman's hair - Picture by Getty Images

3. You get value for your money

Cheap is expensive they say, this also applies to hair services. When I booked my blow and trim appointment with Her Roots Hair Studio, the bill amounted to K 250. 00. If I am honest, my first reaction was, "Wow! All those loaves of bread!!"

 However, I wanted to have my split ends cut off and a barber shop was not anywhere near my options. My last visit to the barber shop for a trim resulted in me losing over six inches of my hair.   It has been over 15 years but I am still traumatised. So, whether I liked or yes, a professional hair salon was calling my afro.

My hair after being blown at Her Roots Salon

The lady first moisturised my hair, blew it and finally trimmed off the ends. Before blowing my hair, the lady partitioned it into small sections and pegged them with hair clips. Section by section, she gently blew my hair. I dreaded the moment I would start shrinking into the chair due to too much heat from the blower or shear carelessness by the stylist. I dreaded the part my scalp would be all tensed up but none of that happened. The experience was so surreal that I could not believe my hair had been stretched in a pain-free manner.  I grew up thinking blowing hair equals a painful way to stretch hair, all that changed when I visited Her Roots Hair Studio.

I dreaded the moment I would start shrinking into the chair due to too much heat from the blower or shear carelessness by the stylist...I grew up thinking blowing hair equals a painful way to stretch hair, all that changed when I visited Her Roots Hair Studio.

After the trim

 I was equally satisfied with the trimming services. It has been over six weeks since I trimmed my hair and my afro is flourishing more than ever. Trust me, the services I received were so excellent that I felt I  underpaid them.

4. They offer their services in a conducive environment  

Depending on the services you are seeking, you are likely to spend more than one hour at the salon. No one has the energy to stay in an unconducive space for that long. I am one person who is allergic to noise pollution and toxic environments just like I am allergic to loud people who have a high affinity for arguments. Whether I am at a salon, restaurant or grocery store, I love to have a peaceful experience. I once went to a certain salon at a named market to braid my hair and apparently the lady who was washing my hair had a disagreement with her colleagues. The way she baptised them with unprintables which nearly snatched my edges away. She washed my hair all while insulting her workmates. I silently prayed, "Mwe Lesa, bless me financially so that I can stop subjecting myself to substandard hair services. Amen. "

Professional hair stylists create a conducive environment which guarantees a good experience. The owners instill good mannerisms in their workers and ensure they offer good customer services regardless of their internal differences. 

Additionally, their choice of entertainment will nourish your soul. Some of us do not listen to secular music hence being subjected to such simply because you want to have your hair done is tantamount to being punished. If they are not tuned into Christian channels such as Radio Christian Voice, most professional hair salons will have a clean selection of songs playing in the background. 

If they are not tuned into Christian channels such as Radio Christian Voice, most professional hair salons will have a clean selection of songs playing in the background. 

So, next time your hands contemplate going all penguin on your hair, remember that a professional hair care provider will not merely plait/style your hair but also ensure you receive the service in a conducive and relaxing environment. Additionally, they will assess your hair and provide its suitable needs. It is not a luxury, it is called self-love baby!

It is not a luxury, it is called self-love baby!

 Bonus- If you are in between blessings and hence cannot afford the services of a professional hair care provider, consider acquainting yourself with knowledge on healthy hair practices. Listen, we are in the information age. You cannot be paying for everything all the time baby! YouTube University is the truth! There are also a number of hair blogs on other social media platforms where you can learn a thing or two. The idea is for you to alternate caring for your hair on your own and only visit a professional hair salon when need arises. Happy hair growing!!!



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