REA Gets Kudos for Solar Energy Project

 By Linda Mupemo

Inverters at Mpanta solar power plant

Luapula Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Emmanuel Munsanje has commended the Rural Electrification Authority (REA) for incorporating renewable energy sources into its electrification projects. 


Mr. Munsanje cited the 60 Kilowatt Mpanta Solar Mini Grid project in Samfya District which is providing electricity to the community as a game changer in the energy sector. 


ZANIS reports that Mr. Munsanje said green and clean energy projects are welcome especially as the world strives to reduce carbon emissions. 



Mr. Munsanje has since called on government to allocate more funds to renewable energy projects in a bid to increase access to electricity in an environmentally friendly manner. 



"The Mpanta solar plant is a progressive project. We need more of such sustainable developmental projects, projects which neither harm the environment nor contribute to global warming," he said. 


Speaking in a separate interview, REA Corporate Affairs Manager Justin Mukosa disclosed that REA is in the process of scaling up renewable energy plants in the country. 


Mr. Mukosa said the organisation is working with the Zambia Cooperative Federation (ZCF) to tap into the excess power generated by solar milling plants dotted across the country. 


He said REA and ZCF signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), adding that they are currently doing a pilot project in Chongwe District where electricity is being generated from solar energy. 


"Only half of the 15 kilowatts generated by solar milling plants is utilised for milling purposes. We want to tap into this excess power. When resources are available, we will expand the initiative to other parts of the country," he said. 


Mr. Mukosa noted that solar energy is a reliable alternative source of energy which is in line with Sustainable Development Goal number Seven whose focus is universal provision of  clean  affordable, reliable and modern energy services . 



Meanwhile, Samfya District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Denis Mukunta said the quality of education offered at Mpanta Primary School has improved since the learning institution was connected to electricity. 


Mr. Mukunta noted that teachers can now deliver practical lessons in subjects such as Computer Studies with ease. 

He added that the performance of learners at the school has improved as they have extended hours of studying after class hours. 


And Acting Samfya District Health Director Zaccheus Lungu said electricity has enhanced the delivery of health care services at Mpanta Rural Health Center which has a catchment population of over 5,000. 


"We are now able to store medical commodities such as vaccines in the fridge. Additionally, the coming of power has reduced home deliveries as expectant mothers are motivated to deliver from the health facility," Mr. Lungu said.  





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