
Showing posts from 2018

Introducing the Linda Mupemo Award for the Best Writer

By Linda Mupemo One author once said, "To ask me how I feel about writing is like to ask me how I feel about breathing."  This saying pretty much explains how I feel about writing and everything it represents. I started writing when I was in my mother's womb. Scratch that!  That is a talent fallacy. Nobody remembers anything they did when they were an embryo. At least none of those who slept in my mother's womb.  I have been passionate about writing for some time now. I am yet to be a published author, but I know it will happen in the fullness of time. Won't He do it?!!! Before I gave the trophy to the recipient  So yesterday,12th October, 2018, I launched the Linda Mupemo award for the best writer at St. Therese Girls' Secondary School- Kasama. It is official, we are in the future mwe bantu! I believe I do not have to die for people to start giving awards in my name, hello! The initiative is aimed at promoting goo

Don't Go Naked This Summer!

By Linda Mupemo Winter always serves notice that summer is on the way. When it gets cold, when everything around you is freezing, you are assured that it is about to get hot, it is about to get good!  As summer rears its head, there is a hype in the fashion world about what's hot and what's not, what's trendy, stylish and whatever else.   It is easy to get so immensed in all the trends that you forget you have to keep your temple covered. Yes, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and how much you value it shows in the way you dress, regardless of the season. Child of God, do not conform to the worldly fashion trends, do not let the world make you blur the line between fashion and indecency. You can be stylish and modest at the same time. You can be fully dressed and still look elegant. You do not have to be naked in order to make a fashion statement. James and Constance Phiri showing us how to be stylish and modest at the beach. Baecation anyone?

The Chicken That Was Not Ready to Die

By Linda Mupemo Whenever I share my rural life experiences with my sisters, they laugh at me and say, "Soooo Linda!" It's either rural life is funny or rural life is funny. Anyway, I get to learn something new from whatever I go through. So yesterday, when I bought a village chicken, I asked the seller not to untie it. I did not have the energy to go through the process of chasing after it, I can't even remember the last time I did that!  I left the chicken that way and dashed to the market to get something. I returned after a few minutes and I could not believe what my eyes saw. Lo and behold, the chicken was at the road side. As if it was welcoming me. It had broken free from the string that held it bound!   I thought the string was tight enough to keep the chicken bound until I was ready to slaughter it. I thought it knew somehow that it was in its dying minutes hence would not even try to break free. I thought it had no fight in it.  The chi

Money or the Box ; Taking Career Risks

 By Linda  Mupemo Picture courtesy of Google Images " A ship is always safe at the shore. But that is not what it is built for,” once said Albert Einstein.   This saying signifies that there is something beautiful on the other side of the shore; ones reward is in sailing rather than settling for safe. Most career men and women, especially the younger ones, are accustomed to being on the safe side of the working industry.  I know people who are doing jobs they are not happy with but have stuck with them because it is the ‘safest’ thing to do. “At least when I study Nursing or Teaching, I am assured of being employed by the Government.”  “So long I have a permanent job. So long the job pays my bills, I am ok with it.” Right? Wrong! You do not have to choose a career or stay on a job solely based on its ability to pay your bills. Inasmuch as financial stability and job security are essential in ones working life, that should not come at th

I Almost Got Married

By Linda Mupemo Picture courtesy of Google images                                    I was so close to leaving single ville,                                   So close to walking down the aisle.                               Diamond rings, red roses and a ball gown.                                      Veil, lacy pumps and a crown.                                                 All was set.                                     I was ready to meet my groom.                                          But, I am single again!                     My groom says I am not what He was looking for.                                     In my books I was qualified,                             Yet in His books I was not qualified.                                     And no, it was not Him.                                              It was me.                         See, I focused on slaying my ball gown,                         Instead o

Towards an ODF Milenge

By Linda Mupemo Picture courtesy of Google images I was deep in the heart of Milenge District one afternoon, sniffing around for news as usual. I came across a tiny  structure made of grass. The grass had started rotting away, an indication it had been there for a long period of time, probably a year. I thought it was a barn or something, until I saw people come out. I was amazed.  As if he read my thoughts, the Ward Councillor who accompanied me on that assignment, as he showed me around the area, told me that was one of the many houses of that nature in his ward.  A second look at the structure made one thing clear to me, the 'house' neither had a bathroom nor a toilet. The house in question  is a few meters away from Luapula river. I did not even want to imagine where the people from that household go when they want to answer the call of nature.  Open defecation is one of the contributing factors to poor sanitation especially in rural comm

Through The Eyes of Preachers' Children

By Linda Mupemo Picture courtesy of Google images Bringing up children is a mammoth task regardless of one’s age, race, social-economic status or occupation. World over, preachers are faced with the responsibility of grooming both their biological and spiritual children.   Owing to the nature of their ministerial work, some preachers tend to spend more time teaching their flock and less time with their families.   The bible instructs parents to bring up children in a godly manner as it reads in Ephesians 6 verse 4, "And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: bring them up in the nature and admonition of the Lord. " There have been cases of preachers’ children living wayward lives and one wonders whether these souls are not spiritually nourished enough to adhere to the teachings of the bible. It can be disheartening to find children of gospel ministers behaving contrary to the message their parents impart in others.     Moses Chongo, a gospel