Introducing the Linda Mupemo Award for the Best Writer

By Linda Mupemo One author once said, "To ask me how I feel about writing is like to ask me how I feel about breathing." This saying pretty much explains how I feel about writing and everything it represents. I started writing when I was in my mother's womb. Scratch that! That is a talent fallacy. Nobody remembers anything they did when they were an embryo. At least none of those who slept in my mother's womb. I have been passionate about writing for some time now. I am yet to be a published author, but I know it will happen in the fullness of time. Won't He do it?!!! Before I gave the trophy to the recipient So yesterday,12th October, 2018, I launched the Linda Mupemo award for the best writer at St. Therese Girls' Secondary School- Kasama. It is official, we are in the future mwe bantu! I believe I do not have to die for people to start giving awards in my name, hello! The initiative is aimed at promoting goo...