
Showing posts from May, 2014


By Flavian Mupemo Jnr One step at a time, I was like Jordin Sparks on a battlefield. Two were three much, I was only six said Dad. I could play in the mud; and certainly none would think I was mad, I was just a lad; at least that was my shield. I remember going home dirty, all sweaty. But momma did not beat me-she hugged me. Even though she wore white clothes, closer to white as snow, she hugged me. With a passion and love warmer than summer, she held me. Took me by my tiny flabby hands and she bathed me. Then kissed me by my forehead, without a word and gave me a cute white pillow, I got sad. Out of guilt, I promised I would never play in the mud and that I would cherish that pillow. So every time I returned home from school, I would throw my bag, Jump on my bed and give my pillow a big hug. I remember the days I wished for a Santa; or anybody Claus. Anybody; who would see me as better than a loss.   See; I was genetically incapacitated, my


Picture by google images By Linda Mupemo Knowing that Jesus Christ loves me gives me so much joy and keeps me going. He suffered temporal punishment so that I will not have to suffer eternal punishment. He faced the highest degree of the rage of man so that I will not have to face the rage of God.  He loves me so much that he did not want to live without me. As imperfect as I am, Jesus still died for me. Even when I foolishly betray his love for me by doing what does not please him, he does not cast me off. Instead, he patiently waits for me to realise that without him I am nothing , but with him I am everything. Oh what a love! A love so strong, a love so real, a love worth dying a painful and shameful death for. The death that takes away all my sins, puts me right with God and makes me a citizen of heaven. “He will appear a second time, not to deal with sins but to save those who are waiting for him,” says the Bible in Hebrews 9 v 28.  How I long to s

Economic Diversification is the Answer to Zambia’s Poor Economy

Miners mining copper-picture by google images   By Linda Mupemo The economy of Zambia has been under-performing for a long time now and there is urgent need to diversify the sectors which the economy is dependent on. From the post-independence period to date, the economy has heavily relied on foreign currency earnings from copper which apparently is proving to be unsustainable. It is unsustainable in that the country does not have the manufacturing machinery to process the copper into finished products. Copper exports amount to approximately 77 percent of the country’s income. In addition, the copper prices are determined by foreign markets such as the London Metal exchange. Any changes in the prices impacts negatively or positively on the economy. In the case of low prices, the Zambian economy dwindles and the country has little if not no control in the pricing. This begs the question; why has the government everlastingly relied on copper mining as a source of c

Beware of Uncertified Medicine-Phamaceutical Regulatory Authority

  Picture by google images By Linda Mupemo  The Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority (PRA) has urged the general public to beware of uncertified medicine on the Zambian market as they pose a danger to their health. In an interview, PRA Public Relations Officer Ludovic Mwape said all medicines that were packaged in a conventional manner such as syrups and tablets had to be certified before they could be put on the market. Mr. Mwape said certifying medicine ensured that the medicine, herbal medicine or allied substance were suitable for the purpose for which they were intended. He said certifying medicine also ascertained their quality and safety. “The only medicine that we do not regulate is one which is crude, medicines such as roots and pounded leaves. Otherwise, all medicines that are in form of tablets and syrup must be certified by our institution prior to being put on the market,” he said. Mr. Mwape noted that certified medicines could be identi